Finding the Right Eye Color

Anyone who wears makeup knows choosing the right eye shadow color is challenging! Not only does it have to align with what you are wearing, but it should also be the right shade for your skin tone. You want to find a good balance so that it is not too bright, but also enhances your face along with the rest of the makeup you have on. Luckily, we are here to help. If you struggle with this, it is important to understand the factors that go into choosing the right color so that you can spend more time enjoying your look.
If you have on bright colors that you want to draw attention to, consider choosing a more neutral eyeshadow. This will ensure that attention is drawn to the right components of your style. Also, remember that your makeup should complement the colors you have on. Maybe that means opting for an earth tone. Maybe it means going for something bright and easily noticed. Either way, coordinating with your outfit will enhance the style and make it look even better.
Another thing you need to keep in mind is your skin tone. While those with pale tones may think they need bright colors, this may wash them out further. When considering the contour around your eyes, you only want to go a couple shades darker than your skin tone so that the colors do not overwhelm the rest of your face.
We all know that the way you present yourself at work and in the office may be drastically different than when you go out for the evening. So consider switching up your eyeshadow colors to match the event. For work, consider a more natural look with lighter colors or earth tone colors. When you go out, you get free reign. Going out is an opportunity to express yourself how you want. So, wear your favorite color whether that is a bright orange, pale blue, or neon pink!
Choosing your eyeshadow colors shouldn’t be a daunting task. Considering the three things above will make this choice much easier for you. And it is always nice to have a choice and investing in multiple shades gives you options! Not only will this make the choice easier in the long run, but it also gives you the chance to pick out some of your favorite colors to include in your everyday look!